1. What a happy surprise to see pop up in my inbox. I thought for sure this had been dropped or something so I’m super excited to see it with a new chapter. Thanks for sticking with it. And thanks for all the hard work into scanlating it. : )


  2. ”G-Defend” and Morimoto’s other works are always worth the wait! ❤

    THANK YOU SO MUCH for this release and for your hard work.

    Keep it up!


  3. Thank you so much for this release and the hard work you put into it! I had almost lost hope that this wonderful series would continue to be translated.

    However I can’t seem to open the file on my kindle? Is there an app needed to open it? (I’m not particularly tech savvy.) Do you have any plans to upload releases on MangaDex or similar?


  4. This was a big and nice surprise! \O/ I started to think after awhile you are probably too busy and we won’t see anything anymore in english related to G-Defend. Thank you so much!!!


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